Complementary Systems
Tiering System
Synthesis System
Loot Box System
Differentiating Items
Items are split into two, items that are purchasable and items that aren’t purchasable.
For unpurchasable, the goal is go integrate with systems such as achievements, synthesis, or skills. While purchasable is meant to be an exchange for the effort being spent on tasks.
Purchasable items need to consider a few things:
- The price of the item in real life if it’s purchasable
- The time spent on getting or using that item
- The benefit it has on myself
Exchange Rates
To maintain realistic prices in the app, an exchange rate is established between real-world currency and in-app currency.
Imagine you are a "country" with an economic agreement with the real world. You export skills and services (earning wages in real-world currency) and use both real-world and app currency for purchases. The exchange rate, therefore, depends on the relative circulation and purchasing power of both currencies.
Full Steps to Set Up the Exchange Rate
- Real-Life Currency (RLC): Start with your monthly real-world cash flow, meaning the amount you have at the beginning of each month after paying essentials (phone bills, electricity, food, etc.). What’s left is the “discretionary” money available for other purchases and will serve as the basis for setting prices in the app.
- In-App Currency (IAC): Use your monthly average in app earnings as a baseline for purchasing power within the app. For consistency, averaging over the past three months can smooth out any fluctuations and provide a reliable figure.
- Real-Life Price of the Item (RLP): Find the real-life price of the item to establish its baseline value.