Tasks are the primary way to earn experience points, currency, and items. Each task completed has the potential to reward these based on its parameters.
Tasks are divided into the following categories:
- Important — Core, high-priority tasks
- System — Tasks dedicated to improving your personal system, including documentation or code
- Daily — Routine tasks to complete daily
- Weekly — Tasks completed once per week
- Monthly — Tasks completed once per month
- Habits — Repeated tasks intended to build long-term habits
Tasks (From Life Up API)
- todo is the task content and must be filled in with any text describing the activity, such as "Write journal." This is a required field.
- notes allows you to add additional comments or context about the task. It's optional and can be filled with any text, like "Notes."
- coin represents the coin reward amount, which should be a number greater than 0. For example, you can input 10. The maximum allowed value is 999,999, and it’s optional.
- coin_var is an optional offset for the coin reward. If greater than 0, the final coin reward is randomly calculated within the range of [coin, coin + coin_var] upon task completion.
- exp stands for experience points rewarded for completing a task. It’s a number greater than 0, with a maximum limit of 99,999, and it's optional.
- skills represents an array of skill IDs. These IDs should be numbers greater than 0, and they support array input (e.g., &skills=1&skills=2). It’s optional and helps track skill development.
- category is the list ID, represented by a number greater than or equal to 0. It defaults to 0 if omitted, which means it’s assigned to the default list. Selecting a smart list isn’t possible, and more information can be found under "Basic Knowledge - Person Level Data ID."
- frequency defines how often a task repeats, with specific numbers representing different frequencies. For example, -1 is unlimited, -3 is Ebbinghaus, -4 is monthly, and -5 is yearly. It’s optional.
- importance is the task’s importance level, set as a number between 1 and 4, with 1 being the default. This parameter is optional.